I help business owners, managers, and HR professionals to hire, train, and retain diverse talent, protect their businesses from costly lawsuits arising from Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion issues, promote diverse employees to build efficient teams, and position their businesses for greater success, wider social impact, and higher revenues.

I also help students and education professionals to understand the main differences between primary and secondary dimensions of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), to embrace, celebrate, and leverage the many advantages of these key concepts for their personal and professional success, so people can thrive in inclusive, global communities.
Award-Winning Champion of Diversity

Selected Presentation Topics and Highlights

Diversity. A World of Change.
How human visions and values have altered, shifted, and shaped throughout centuries for mankind to be heading towards an all-inclusive, futuristic, global society.
Piano keys or rainbows? Definitions on what diversity is and what it isn’t.
Why variety is entertaining and the lack of it is counterproductive.
How businesses greatly benefit from a diversified workforce.
A global culture for all citizens of Planet Earth is being shaped up for future generations.
Asian Love vs. Asian Hate.
How to properly address social and cultural issues that Asian ethnics face in a non-Asian majority environment.
The real reason, or lack thereof, for “Asian hate”.
How people of different nationalities can come together to share mutual values.
Understanding and appreciating Asian cultures to replace hate with education and love.
What a common, peaceful future for all looks like in a better world.

Gender. Are We So Different?
The role of sexual identity and personal empowerment as an individual and collectively to build stronger communities.
Defining or redefining personal identity, and being gender fluid. Binary, non-binary, and the emergence of "the third gender".
Right souls trapped in the wrong bodies and transient genders.
LGBTIQA+ a growing global community.
Accepting and embracing gender diversity can make us all better human beings.
Who's Got Diversity? All of Us!
How people of various backgrounds can accept, embrace, celebrate, and leverage different personal and business perspectives in various aspects of life, from race, age, and gender, to religion, language, and culture.
To stand out or to blend in? That is the question.
Discovering exotic lands and learning new things from other people of different ethnicities and nationalities.
Diversity, equity, and inclusion – not just trendy notions but the way of the future.
We can all unite to be one great species and share the world in peace and harmony.

Race. Are We so Different?
How racial identity shapes up our personality and the steps we can take to be and become a fully integrated person in all aspects.
Race is a very subjective notion. Learning from each other to care about each other.
White, black and anything in between. People are the same regardless of skin tone and color.
Leveling colorism, countering racism, and owning our ethnicity and heritage.
More alike than different. Coming to terms with the notion that we are all human beings with the same structure, common values, and need for love.
Diversity Quotes
She Talks Magazine Articles

A Comprehensive, Educational Program for Academic Students and Business Professionals of All Walks of Life to Acknowledge, Embrace, Integrate, and Leverage the Notions of DEI for Personal, Social, and Business Success
Author of

Academic: Students, Faculty Members, and Education Professionals of School, High School, and College Levels.
Business: HR Professionals, Leaders, Managers, and Team Members of Nonprofit Organizations, Small, Medium, or Large Businesses and Corporations With 10 or More Employees and/or a Diversified Workforce.

Increase DEI awareness while developing new skills.

Facilitate mutual understanding between different cultures.

Celebrate and leverage various dimensions of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.

Protect your company from potential lawsuits arising from Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion issues.

Promote and leverage diverse teams.

Position your business for greater success.
What diversity is and what it isn’t. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion decoded and demystified. The differences between primary and secondary dimensions of DEI.
How to bridge the gender gap by encouraging and promoting women’s leadership and empowerment for improved social and business results.
Means to integrate various generations at the workplace. Utilize extensively and effectively people’s personal background, life experience, and professional qualifications, regardless of their age.
Secondary dimensions of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion can be just as important as primary ones. A guide to identifying “the underside of the iceberg”, and finding ways to address other people’s life norms to achieve efficient communication and outstanding overall results.
What any HR professional should know about hiring, training, and retaining diverse talent to Increase employee motivation and engagement for a diversified and highly productive workforce.
How to address colorism and combat racism knowing that Race, Ethnicity, and Color shape up and affect individual personality and collective mentality.
How to identify and properly deal with potential cases of Discrimination, Harassment, and the “Me Too” Movement.
Why disability is often a misnomer for diverse abilities and how you can leverage them to build efficient teams.
Language, culture, and religion define an individual and a group in a cosmopolitan context. You can remove language barriers, learn from foreign cultures, acknowledge, and respect religious diversity.
How to continue to apply key principles of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in your personal and professional life to achieve greater social and business success.

Each module addresses a specific aspect of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, and it can be taken separately or as an integral part of the overall program. Discounted combo packages are also available.
Each module also includes a Q&A section so you can:
Ask real life questions
Get comprehensive answers
Gain a clearer understanding of the many facets of DEI.
Walk the talk and live a better life based on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

*****Selected courses in this program are accredited by the International Association
of Administrative Professionals (IAAP), Milwaukee Western Great Lakes Region*****
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is the purpose of Higher Dimensions of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion? (DEI)
This educational program caters to business professionals and academic students who seek to address the many challenges posed by various dimensions of DEI.
The training modules offer practical solutions that help people overcome DEI issues, build better, more efficient teams and communities by leveraging multiple aspects of DEI, and fully integrate DEI into their business and academic models.
2. How does this program differentiate itself from other trainings?
This is a comprehensive program based on decades of experience within the DEI realm from a global perspective. The courses span a wide range of topics, from primary dimensions of DEI like gender, race, age, and disability to secondary dimensions such as culture, language, religion, and others, many of which have not been previously explored and addressed by conventional trainings.
This program highlights and simplifies difficult concepts and explains them in easy terms through engaging storytelling and practical, real-life examples offering greater understanding of various aspects of DEI.
3. Who is the audience of this program?
Students and professionals in academic and business environments.
Academic: schools, high schools, colleges of any level.
Business: small, medium, or large size businesses and corporations with 10 or more employees and/or a diversified workforce.
Audiences will feel energized, even transformed by the overall message of this program, and motivated to share it further. At the end of it, people will have a deeper understanding of this sometimes-confusing notion, DEI, and see that it should not be learned or taught as a requirement of academic or workforce labor code, but because it’s beneficial and necessary to improve our lives. Because it’s the right thing to do.
4. Why should an organization need to take this type of training?
Reports, statistics, and studies done over the past two decades show that diverse companies and diverse teams with members who bring to the table different skill sets are more successful in business and society than companies that do not leverage the strengths of a diverse and diversified workforce.
5. How does the program help businesses?
This program is a roadmap, a guide that facilitates the process of integrating DEI and including it in everyday conversations, policies, and programs for higher effectiveness and efficiency. It helps to protect businesses from potential lawsuits, promote Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion within the teams, and position the company for success.
Protect – avoid non-compliance issues, prevent lawsuits, reduce loss of revenue.
Promote – leverage different skill sets, integrate minorities, diversify teams.
Position – enhance workforce retention, increase productivity and revenues, utilize Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion - DEI as competitive advantage on the market.
6. How does the program help schools?
The end goals are higher connectivity, communication efficiency, better interpersonal skills, and enhanced group dynamics.
Each module addresses difficult and sometimes uncomfortable subjects, simplifies them, and makes them not only easier to understand but appealing, inviting, and captivating for academic audiences to embrace on a wide scale and:
Increase DEI awareness while developing new skills.
Facilitate mutual understanding between diverse individuals with diverse cultural backgrounds.
Learn from, teach to, educate one another on multiple perspectives at home, in school, at work, in life.
Celebrate and leverage various dimensions of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.
Thrive in inclusive communities.
7. Is the program also available for kindergarten and grade school levels?
Yes, the modules can be customized also for the youngest students.
8. What kind of tools and resources does the training offer?
Expertise on the topics from an international background, practical tips and insights, real-life illustrative stories, interactive dialogues, and a Q & A session in every module.
The program offers innovative strategies and solutions to common DEI issues, addressing many diversity challenges through a series of engaging, and relatable stories that capture attention, raise interest, generate curiosity, and attract a wider audience to explore Higher Dimensions of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.
9. What are the topics of the course?
They range from primary dimensions like gender, race, age, and disability to language, culture, religion, and other secondary dimensions.
10. What does each training class consist of?
A selected topic from primary and secondary dimensions of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, illustrative stories, and a Q & A section.
11. How long is the training?
Each module is designed as a 90-minute masterclass, one hour for the course and 30 minutes for interactions and Q & As.
12. Is it virtual or in-person?
Both options are available. For in-person training, especially out of the Los Angeles area, there are additional costs for traveling and accommodation for the trainer. The travel costs can vary based on distance.
13. Is the training self-paced?
Yes. It can be taken both online through recorded classes and in-person.
14. Can any training be taken separately?
Yes. Each course is customizable and can be taken individually and/or combined with other modules.
15. Are combo packages available?
Yes. The introduction and the conclusion to the training program can be combined with any module.
16. Is there a limit to how many people can attend each class?
A minimum of 3 individuals for in-person training. Any number on virtual training.
17. Is there a money-back guarantee?
Yes. While every effort has been made to ensure information accuracy, given the complexity of the topics, and considering possible errors, omissions, or limitations, the program does have a 30-days money-back guarantee.
18. How can the program extend its reach beyond the training sessions?
Impactful, inspiring, and influencing, this is a message of harmony, hope, unity, and humanity. Diversity is beautiful, equity is fair, and inclusion can bring us closer together, so we can all thrive. By understanding the many facets of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, students and teachers, people and companies, employers and employees are better equipped and positioned for success, based on more comprehensive educational, work, and social strategies.
The practicality of each module extends way above and beyond the training class. The many tools and illustrative examples empower audiences to “walk the talk” and apply key principles of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in everyday life to avoid potential legal issues, communicate more efficiently within diverse groups of people, build better personal, academic, and business relationships altogether for greater success within global communities.

“You did a top-notch professional presentation today. Animated and engaging, stories to make concepts come alive, personable, articulate. It made me realize that a tough subject like diversity causes people to tiptoe around it, and you hit all the targets head on, matter of fact. No wonder you got recognized for this subject because you could bring insight. Congratulations, Lisa, a job well done, hats off to you!”